IWD - an LD acknowledgement to the women that inspire us...

IWD - an LD acknowledgement to the women that inspire us...

In honour of International Women's Day this Friday, I'm going to nod to a few women who have really inspired me along my journey so far.

'International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.'

WOMEN ARE WONDERFUL. They really should be celebrated.



Source: Pinterest


I guess our view (both Mr LD's and my own) has been changed completely slightly since we've experienced pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. The female body and the way it works throughout all of these instances continues to amaze us both every day. It really is truly AMAZING; to grow, to birth and then to nourish all without a thought (well, loads of thoughts but you know what I mean, it just happens on it's own!) I cannot put into words how we both feel, so special, in awe and like we are the only people on Earth experiencing this . Yet we're not. In fact we are far from that. This thing is such a miracle, so awe-inspiring; yet many many people experience it. This is not a blog about us, so I will move on, but first I must let every single mother in the world know that you inspire me more than I ever thought. Of course, my own Mama gets a special mention here.


As a Mam (we're northern, no Mum about around here), Nana and just completely wonderfully happy human being, this lady continues to inspire me. But I have to admit, despite all of that, the business woman  in this lady is what inspires me the most. I'm not sure I'll ever meet another living person with so much gumption, bravery and zest for life as Netta Crystal Darcy. She and my Grandad built a successful business from the ground, and Nana continued to do so even after 'they' became 'she'. At 92, with severe memory loss, she sips her favourite glass of wine and tells us all every single day...

"Life is what you make it, Darling" 

(You can read a little more about my Nanas story from my eyes here. Craig will be running the GNR this September to raise funds for Alzhiemers Society. Stay posted for info on how to help!)



For simply not giving up her seat. (or not so simply). Proof that change really can happen.




Not only just for her fabulously ground breaking fake flower designs, but mainly for her business grit, passion and determination does this lady blow my mind. She has stuck to her guns despite being told several times not to, and now is reaping the benefits. AA teaches me that hard work and taking a few risks really sets you apart when it comes to biz.

There are so many more, and any woman in biz gets my applause, especially those who have given up the daily grind in favour of a passion and a dream.

Let's celebrate Women everyday, not just this one.

